March 10, 2025

The Web Development

The Web Development the Solution

Benefits of Kemp Load Balancing

Benefits of Kemp Load Balancing

If clients wish to deploy their solutions to Azure in a hybrid or cloud-only environment, they will need to choose between the built-in load balancing feature of Azure or a third-party load balancing solution available through the Azure Marketplace.

There is an ADC (Application Delivery Controller) integrated into KEMP called LoadMaster. LoadMaster offers a number of solutions for optimizing and securing workloads that are hosted in the cloud.

There are a number of benefits to using it that we will explore throughout this article. Continue reading to learn more.

Load Balancing: A Breakdown

Currently, websites with high rates of traffic have to serve millions of requests simultaneously from clients and users and must be able to return images, text, application data, or videos in an efficient and reliable manner.

In order to meet these needs in a cost-effective way, a website will need to add more servers.

Basically, the Kemp load balancer act as a traffic officer. It sits at the front of the web site’s servers and routes requests over all of the servers that can fulfill the requests.

While doing this, it makes sure that no server is overworked, resulting in a loss in performance.

Kemp Security Series 2020 – Part 4: LoadMaster and SIEM Log Analysis - Load Balancers

The Different Load Balancing Algorithms

Different algorithms are available for load balancing, and each algorithm offers different benefits. Your choice of load balancing method depends on your needs.

Hash – Distributes requests using a key defined by the user, such as the request URL or client IP address. Additionally, NGINX Plus is able to apply a hash that consistently reduces load redistribution if the upstream of the servers, which is set, changes.

Round Robin – Requests will be distributed across the entire group of servers in sequential order.

Requests will be sent to the server that has the fewest active connections and the fastest response time. Only NGINX Plus is supported.

Connections – A new request is sent to the server that currently has the fewest connections to clients. Taking into account the computing capacity of each server, we will determine the server with the fewest connections.

The IP address of the client will be used to determine which server will receive the request.

To learn more about the different load balancing algorithms, click here.

Benefits of KEMP LoadMaster

The KEMP LoadMaster ESP (Edge Security Pack) offers your website a number of security features, such as single sign-on, the ability to assign permitted groups, and preauthentication. Furthermore, you can configure ESP to allow certain virtual directories and URLs to be published via LoadMaster.

As a result of the introduction of Azure Active Directory Domain Services , AD can be extended into your virtual network, which will enable LoadMaster to directly authenticate users. Then, you will be able to provide seamless application access and single sign-on for several apps published with LoadMaster.

On-premises, familiar delivery functionality for your cloud applications is provided by this service.

Layer 7 ADC functionality that is more advanced for your apps can be acquired using the LoadMaster. Additionally, the LoadMaster provides advanced app health checks, a comprehensive algorithm list, hosting for multiple tenants, and high availability.