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The Catalogue Design Process: Everything You Need To Know

The Catalogue Design Process: Everything You Need To Know

It is likely that you will turn to a designer for a new catalogue if your business requires one. As a professional designer, I can guide you through the entire catalogue design process, making it as simple and pain-free as possible, leaving you with a wonderful marketing tool.

What is the best way to design a catalogue that serves its purpose? To facilitate the catalogue creation process, we explained what you should expect from Catalogue design Johor Bahru.

The Steps To A Successful Catalogue Design

A catalogue design project consists of various parts, but there are six main steps to follow.

Data Collection For Products

Your first step should be to gather together a list of all products you want included in the catalogue. You need to get this done early, since if you discover you forgot something halfway through the design process it will probably cost you time and money to fix.

Writing copy

Every item in the catalogue must have a product description written either by your company, the catalogue designers or a third party. Making sure that this is done correctly is imperative. When it comes to selling, good copy makes a world of difference.

Selecting a look

You will have to decide early on what the overall look, feel, and style of the catalogue will be. Your brand and business characteristics should come through in the design.
If you’re selling mass-produced flatpack furniture, you’ll need a very different look than if you’re selling bespoke furniture.

Key elements to designing an online catalog that converts

Developing a layout plan

Whether or not a catalogue is successful depends greatly on the layout. Putting products in the right place in the catalogue can have a big impact on their sale. In order to get the best customer engagement, the layout must be easy to scan.

Imagery production

As well as high quality product photos, you will want a cover image and more general stock images. This will have to be done either by you or by the catalog designer if you do not have them yet. Choose images that will really help to show off your company and products at their best.


The final version of the document should be proofed a good amount of time before it’s sent to the printer, posted on your website or emailed to customers.

Minor errors can be very easy to miss, so make sure everyone looks over the catalogue as many times as possible before it is signed off. To ensure all the artwork and design elements in your catalogue are approved as quickly as possible, we have compiled a guide so that you can proof your catalogue.

Considerations When Designing Your Catalogue

As your designer works on the design of your catalogue, he or she will need to consider several things. It’s worth taking the time to think about these things before meeting with your designer, even though your designer should ask about them early.

The Price Range

Prices for items in your catalogue may range from pence to thousands of pounds, depending on your business. The designer should know this when you hire them, so it’s important to be clear about it ahead of time.

The design of your products should reflect your brand and your customers, and price is likely to have a significant impact on how prospective customers perceive your company. Designing your catalogue accordingly is crucial.